Biohakkerin ketoosiopas (e-kirja)
Biohakkerin ketoosiopas on Suomen kattavin 100%:sti tieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuva läpileikkaus ketoosiin ja ketogeeniseen ruokavalioon Biohakkerin ketoosiopas oikaisee ketoosiin ja ketogeeniseen ruokavalioon liittyviä myyttejä, harhakäsityksiä ja perusteettomia pelkoja. Ketoosi on elimistö...
Biohakkerin kolesteroliopas (e-kirja)
Biohakkerin kolesteroliopas selkeyttää kolesteroliin liittyviä käsityksiä ja antaa syvällisempää ymmärrystä kolesterolista ja kolesteroliarvojen tulkinnasta. Oppaassa käsitellään lisäksi kattavasti elimistön hiljaista tulehdusta ja insuliiniherkkyyttä sekä näiden tasapainottamista elintapoja muut...
Biohakkerin parhaat e-kirjat -paketti
Kaikki Biohakkereiden e-kirjat ja oppaat erikoishintaan Paketti sisältää seitsemän (8) e-kirjaa: Biohakkerin käsikirja Biohakkerin stressikirja Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas Biohakkerin flunssaopas Biohakkerin kolesteroliopas Biohakkerin ketoosiopas Biohacker's Brain Nutrition Guide (englanninkieli...
Biohakkerin parhaat verkkokurssit -paketti
Kaikki Biohakkereiden verkkovalmennukset erikoishintaan Paketti sisältää 10 eri verkovalmennusta: Vatsa kuntoon -verkkovalmennus Ravitsemustila kuntoon -verkkovalmennus Immuniteetti haltuun -verkkovalmennus Biohakkerin verkkokurssi Laboratoriotulokset haltuun -verkkovalmennus Treenaajan rav...
Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas (painettu kirja)
Päivitä ravinteiden saanti optimitasolle Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas on laajin ja kokonaisvaltaisin suomeksi julkaistu eri ravintotekijöitä käsittelevä teos. Tähän oppaaseen on koottu kaikki tarvittava tieto, jonka avulla on mahdollista tasapainottaa elimistön ravitsemustila ja optimoida eri ravintotekijöiden saanti. Ravinnosta ja eri ruokavalioista kirjoitetaan paljon, lisäravinteita syödään monesti mainosten ja suositusten perusteella ja tietoa mitä erilaisemmista ruokavaliosta on saatavilla pilvin pimein. On kuitenkin olemassa vain hyvin vähän systemaattista ja helposti sisäistettävää tietoa siitä, miten eri ravintotekijöiden saantia voidaan päivittää yksilön kannalta ihanteelliselle tasolle.
Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas – Päivitä ravinteiden saanti optimitasolle (e-kirja)
Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas on laajin ja kokonaisvaltaisin suomeksi julkaistu eri ravintotekijöitä käsittelevä teos. Tähän oppaaseen on koottu kaikki tarvittava tieto, jonka avulla on mahdollista tasapainottaa elimistön ravitsemustila ja optimoida eri ravintotekijöiden saanti. Ravi...
Biohakkerin stressikirja (e-kirja)
Stressi uhkaa suorituskykyä, terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Monen kroonisen sairauden ja työkyvyttömyyden taustalla on pitkittynyt stressitila. Biohakkereilla on sinulle nyt stressiä vähentäviä uutisia: stressistä ei tarvitse päästä eroon, ja voit kehittyä paremmaksi sen hallinnassa. Suositun Biohak...
Biohakkerin webinaaripassi 2025
Vaivaako infoähky? Tuntuuko joskus siltä, että hyvinvointi- ja terveystietoa on aivan liikaa ja vähän joka lähtöön? Biohakkerin webinaarit tiivistävät viimeisimmät tutkimukset ja läpimurrot ymmärrettävään muotoon. Supersuositut Biohakkerin webinaarit tulevat myös vuonna 2025. Osallistu Biohakkeroinnin yliopistoon ilman tiukkaa aikataulua ja opi kaikki oleellinen terveyden, suorituskyvyn ja hyvinvoinnin optimoinnista. Suomen johtavat asiantuntijat tarjoavat viimeisimmät tutkimukset, työkalut ja vinkit työn, liikunnan, palautumisen, aivojen toiminnan, koko kehon biologian sekä tietysti yleisen terveyden optimointiin. Webinaaripassi jakautuu 10 webinaariin vuodelle 2025, joista jokainen sisältää huolellisesti valikoidut tieteeseen perustuvat esitykset helposti ymmärrettävässä ja käytännönläheisessä muodossa. EARLY BIRD TARJOUS: Jos tilaat heti, saat vuoden 2024 webinaaritallenteet (12 webinaaria ja yli 20 tuntia) kaupan päälle!
Biohakkerointiteknologiat: Parhaat laitteet optimaaliseen terveyteen (Webinaarin tallenne)
Tunnetko olevasi joskus hukassa markkinoilla olevien terveyslaitteiden ja -sovellusten laajan valikoiman vuoksi? Onko sinun vaikea valita oikeasti hyödyllisiä teknologioita, jotka todella parantavat päivittäistä hyvinvointiasi? Monien ihmisten on vaikea löytää laitteita, jotka tuottavat merkityksellisiä tuloksia. Nyt voit oppia tunnistamaan ja käyttämään teknologioita, jotka tukevat todellisia saavutettavissa olevia hyötyjä terveyteen, keskittymiseen, palautumiseen ja resilienssiin liittyen.
Biomed Carnivore Organ Mix Powder (50 g)
Feeling fatigued and unsure if you're getting the right nutrients from your diet? The world of diet trends can be overwhelming, leaving you questioning whether you're truly nourishing your body. Our Freeze-Dried Reindeer Organ Powder is your solution. Sourced from the wilds of the Finnish Arctic, this nutrient-rich supplement is designed to naturally enhance your nutrition and provide that much-needed energy boost.
Biomed Citicoline Cognizin® (60 caps)
Having trouble keeping your thoughts organized and your mind sharp? Introducing **Cognizin® Citicoline**, a revolutionary supplement aimed at boosting your cognitive performance. Mental fog can significantly impact your daily life, but Cognizin® can help ignite your brain's potential, empowering you to tackle each day with increased mental clarity and focus. This highly researched form of citicoline is designed to provide your brain with the essential fuels it needs. Why wait any longer? Unlock your brain's full potential and enhance your productivity today!
Biomed Liposomal Neurolipid Powder (21 g)
Are you having trouble focusing or struggling with mental clarity? Our Finnish liposomal neurolipid supplement is specifically designed to combat these issues. Enhance your cognitive performance and support nerve health effortlessly with this easy-to-use formula.
Biomed Nattokinase NSK-SD® (60 caps)
Are you overwhelmed by the constant search for the right health supplement that can truly support your long-term wellness? With so many options, it’s easy to feel unsure and hesitant when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Discover peace of mind with our NSK-SD® nattokinase enzyme: a trusted and patented solution derived from Japanese natto, renowned for its longevity benefits. It's safe, reliable, and seamlessly fits into your daily routine.
Biomed Premium B-Complex (60 caps)
Do you often feel tired, stressed, and lacking vitality? Finding a supplement to naturally boost your energy and well-being can be challenging. Our Active B-Complex is designed to address this need. It contains a full spectrum of B vitamins enriched with bioflavonoids sourced directly from nature to help you feel more energetic and support your overall health. With just one daily capsule, you can support your nervous system, energy levels, and even skin, hair, and nails! Finally, a solution to help you feel your best every day.
Biomed Strong Curcumin – Curcugreen® / BCM-95® extract (60 caps)
€30,00 €35,00 Unit price €833,33/ per kg
Biomed Strong Curcumin – Curcugreen® / BCM-95® extract (60 caps)
Are you feeling run down and struggling to maintain your energy levels? Do you want to boost your immune system and improve your overall wellbeing? Discover the magic of Curcumin, a natural solution for enhancing your health. This powerful extract offers the benefits of potent antioxidants to protect your body from oxidative stress, support your liver, and improve digestion. Unlock a healthier version of yourself with Curcumin - a vital addition to your wellness routine.
Biomed Tyyni - Calm (60 caps)
Are stress and anxiety disrupting your peace? Feeling overwhelmed can hinder your productivity and overall well-being. Let's reduce the tension with a natural solution that blends ancient wisdom with modern science. Introducing Tyyni – Calm, a powerful combination of saffron, turmeric, zinc, and ginger extracts designed to help you reclaim your calm and improve your overall health.
Biomed Wildcrafted Reindeer Bone Broth Powder (30 g)
Are you struggling to incorporate the health benefits of bone broth into your diet because it takes too long to prepare? Our Finnish reindeer bone broth powder offers the perfect solution. Made with 100% natural ingredients from Finland, it's an easy and convenient way to enjoy all the nutrients of traditional bone broth. Just mix the powder with hot water and indulge in a nutritious beverage to revitalize your body.
BIOptimizers Cognibiotics (60 caps)
CogniBiotics is a blend of 10 probiotic microorganisms, 2 prebiotic fibres and 15 Chinese herbs. For cognitive ability and mood. A bottle of 60 capsules, for 30 doses. Probiotics and prebiotics A probiotic (aka probiotics) is a supplement containing live bacteria that are beneficial for your health. A lot of probiotics occur naturally in fermented or yeast-fed foods, such as sauerkraut and yogurt. Probiotics are often resistant to gastric acid and reach the intestines alive, where they do most of their work. Some bacteria colonise the intestines and become part of your own intestinal flora. Other probiotics are merely short-term visitors, but still perform their tasks during their temporary stay. Prebiotics are nutrients (often plant-based fibres) for healthy intestinal bacteria that contribute to human health. These bacteria help with our digestive system and keep the intestines healthy. Prebiotic fibres provide a balanced mix of intestinal bacteria that support regular bowel function.
BIOptimizers Gluten Guardian (90 caps)
Supports digestion of carbohydrates and proteins Enzymes for the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates Enzymes are proteins that produce a chemical reaction. Enzymes are, among other things, part of the digestive process involved in transforming carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food into easily digestible pieces. The name of an enzyme indicates its function. For example: Protease: an enzyme that breaks down proteins Amylase: an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates BiOptimizers Gluten Guardian contains enzymes that help digest gluten and casein, two proteins that are difficult to digest or may cause irritation. If you are sensitive to dairy or cereal products, consider using Gluten Guardian beforehand, for example when you are not preparing your own meal.
BIOptimizers Herbal Power Flush (90 caps)
Why BiOptimizers Herbal Power Flush BiOptimizers Herbal Power Flush has been put together with 4 natural plant products and 5 digestive enzymes to support bowel movements. The ingredients have a natural, mild laxative effect to make your bowel movement easier and more regular. Herbal Power Flush contains digestive enzymes for carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Enzymes are proteins that produce a chemical reaction. Enzymes are, among other things, part of the digestive process involved in transforming carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food into easily digestible pieces. The name of an enzyme indicates its function. For example: Amylase: an enzyme that breaks down starch Protease: an enzyme that breaks down proteins Lipase: an enzyme that breaks down fats (lipids)
BIOptimizers P3-OM Probiotic (120 caps)
Why should you take probiotics? A probiotic (pl. probiotics) is a supplement with living bacteria that contribute to your health. Many probiotics are naturally found in fermented foods such as pickled cabbage and yogurt. Probiotics are often resistant to stomach acid and come alive in the intestines, where they do most of their work. Some bacteria colonise the intestines and become part of your own intestinal flora. Other probiotics are only short-term visitors, but still perform work during their temporary presence.
Black Stuff 9-Month Supply + FREE Trinero (Bundle)
Feeling drained, bogged down by toxins, or overwhelmed by daily stress and inflammation? These constant struggles can leave you with low energy, poor digestion, and mental fog, making it hard to feel your best. This powerful bundle combines a 9-month supply of Black Stuff capsules and a FREE bag of Trinero (30 capsules) to tackle these issues head-on. Black Stuff clears toxins and boosts nutrient absorption, while Trinero reduces inflammation, eases anxiety, and supports gut health. Together, they restore balance, energize your body, and sharpen your mind—helping you reclaim the vitality and well-being you deserve.
Caprylic Acid 100% From Coconut (250 ml)
Feeling exhausted and lacking the energy you need for your busy life? If you're seeking a way to enhance your physical performance or stay on track with your ketogenic diet, our Caprylic Acid is your perfect companion. It offers a quick-absorbing energy boost and supports nutrient absorption seamlessly. See how easily it can become a part of your everyday routine!
Consultation & Coaching session with Dr. Olli Sovijärvi, M.D.
Remote consultation & coaching with Dr. Olli Sovijärvi, M.D. Are you looking for an expert who can give you personal feedback on nutrition, performance, biohacking, quantified self-measurements, and beyond? Now you have the opportunity to receive personal feedback and get a precise plan to upgrade your health and performance to an entirely new level by Dr. Olli Sovijärvi, the head author of the Biohacker's Handbook. Sovijärvi has a 15-year of clinical experience in multiple areas of medicine including ER, hospital settings, standard healthcare, GP, and personalized functional medicine.
Culinary Foraging - Online Course with Master Chef Sami Tallberg
Are you constantly stressed, overwhelmed, or longing to reconnect with nature? Do modern diets feel monotonous and unfulfilling? Discover nature's hidden treasures lurking in the landscape around you! Delve into the world of wild herbs and edible plants and revitalize your health and well-being through this unique online course. Learn how to forage sustainably and integrate these nutrient-rich "weeds" into your daily meals, enhancing not only your nutrition but also your connection with the natural world. Embrace the age-old heritage of wild food with the expert guidance of Chef Sami Tallberg, and let it transform your life!
Detox masterclass: Maksan, suoliston ja munuaisten toiminnan tukeminen (webinaari)
Miten voit tukea kehosi puhdistusjärjestelmiä tehokkaasti? Nykyelämä altistaa elimistöä monille kuormittaville aineille. Epäterveellinen ruokavalio, ympäristömyrkyt ja korkea stressitaso voivat rasittaa maksan, munuaisten ja suoliston toimintaa. Päivittäinen elimistön "detox" antaa keholle mahdollisuuden puhdistua ja elpyä. Kuvittele tila, jossa kehosi poistaa kuona-aineita tehokkaasti. Maksasi käsittelee ravintoaineet virkeästi, munuaisesi ylläpitävät tasapainoista nestetasapainoa ja suolistosi toimii hyvin. Mielesi on kirkas ja energiasi riittää koko päiväksi. Kaikki tämä on mahdollista oikeanlaisilla ravintovalinnoilla, sopivilla ravintolisillä ja käytännönläheisillä tukitoimilla. Päivämäärä ja aika: Torstai 27.02. klo 16.30-18.00.
DNA & Nutrition: Personalize Your Diet With Secrets Hidden In Your Genes (Webinar Recording)
Struggling with generic health advice that doesn't meet your needs? Confused by tips that seem to work for everyone but you? Uncover the power of personalized nutrition and lifestyle choices specifically tailored to your genetics. Learn how understanding your DNA can truly transform your health journey and lead you to a more personalized and effective approach.
DNA ja ravitsemus: Mitä geenisi kertovat ruokavaliostasi? (webinaarin tallenne)
Mitä jos voisit hyödyntää biologisia tietojasi täydellisen ruokavalion, harjoitusohjelman tai ravintolisäohjelman suunnitteluun? Tiesitkö, että puolet lisäravinteista ei välttämättä tehoa sinuun? Entä jos etsimäsi vastaukset piilevätkin geeneissäsi? Olemme vuosituhansien ajan tehneet karkeasti ruokapäätöksiä, jotka ovat perustuneet lähinnä laajoihin väestosuosituksiin ja epämääräisiin tutkimuksiin. Kuvittele, että tietäisit tarkan ravintoainecocktailin, jota tarvitset optimoidaksesi terveytesi ja pitkäikäisyytesi – eli tietoa, joka on ollut kirjoitettuna DNA:asi koko ajan. Tämä webinaari avaa silmäsi nutrigenomisen testauksen mahdollisuuksille ja sille, miten se voi antaa tietoa jokapäiväisistä päätöksistäsi, joilla voit elää terveellisempää elämää. Saat viimeisimmän tiedon ja käytännölliset keinot, joiden avulla voit luoda yksilöllisen toimintasuunnitelman, joka auttaa sinua saavuttamaan terveystavoitteesi. Ennenkaikkea pystyt olemaan tuhlaamatta rahaa tarpeettomiin ravintolisiin ja toimenpiteisiin, jotka eivät toimi. Toisaalta saat tarkkaa dataa taas juuri niistä asioista, joita sinä tarvitset perimäsi pohjalta.Ota terveytesi hallintaasi yksilöllisen ravitsemuksen avulla!
Doctor's Data GI360 x3
Feeling digestive discomfort and not sure why? Constantly battling with stomach issues that seem unresolvable? The solution lies within understanding your gut. With the GI360 x3 test, you can unlock crucial insights into your digestive health, helping to create a personalized treatment plan that targets your unique biochemistry. Discover how this comprehensive test can lead to a healthier you.
DOCTORAIR Exagun Hyper
Are you experiencing tension and tired muscles? This can make everyday activities feel overwhelming. Many massage tools are heavy and cumbersome, leaving you feeling more fatigued. But what if there was a solution that was lightweight and easy to use without compromising on effectiveness? Meet the DOCTORAIR Exagun Hyper, a massage gun that’s light as a feather yet powerful enough to alleviate your tension. With this tool, relaxation is at your fingertips.
Drink HRW Rejuvenation (60 tablets)
Feeling fatigued, sluggish, or concerned about aging? There's nothing more frustrating than when your body isn't performing at its best. Imagine experiencing a boost in alertness, energy, and overall wellness—all with a simple addition to your daily drink. Our Drink HRW Rejuvenation Tablets offer a convenient solution by transforming ordinary water into Hydrogen-Rich Water (HRW), delivering numerous health benefits without any of the unwanted side effects.
Ecosh Bacillus Subtilis+ (90 caps)
Are you struggling with digestive issues or feeling like your immune system isn't up to par? Picture waking up each day refreshed, strong, and full of energy. Our expert-crafted probiotics and prebiotics blend could revolutionize your health. Discover how **Bacillus Subtilis**, combined with nourishing **moringa** and **dandelion root**, might be exactly what you need.
Ecosh Body Cleanse Detox from Heavy Metals (400 g)
Feeling sluggish from daily pollutants? Everyday toxins from air, water, and food can bog you down, affecting your well-being. Our powerful detox solution, enhanced with nature’s most potent cleansing plants, helps you eliminate these harmful compounds while replenishing your body with essential nutrients. Rediscover vitality and boost your immune system with Ecosh’s Body Cleansing Detox. Start feeling refreshed today!
Ecosh Boulardii (90 caps)
Are digestive problems causing discomfort in your life? Such issues can greatly impact your well-being and prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest. Discover Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Boulardii, a probiotic yeast that can help restore balance in your gut, supporting the health and strength of your digestive system. Let your body defend itself naturally.
Ecosh Ecobiotic (90 caps)
Struggling with uncomfortable digestion and the impact of harmful bacteria on your well-being? Take back control and nurture your body with EcoBiotic Probiotics - your partner in supporting a healthy gut balance. Its unique formula battles harmful bacteria, promoting optimal digestion and nutrient absorption, paving the way for improved health.
Ecosh Gut Cleanse (260 g)
Feeling bloated and sluggish? Tired of dealing with digestive discomfort? Our Fiber-rich Intestinal Cleansing Detox is here to help. It's designed to flush out toxins and relieve bloating, leaving you feeling lighter and more energetic. Packed with natural fibers, this powerful supplement promotes healthy digestion and regular bowel movements while supporting normal body weight and cholesterol levels. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a balanced, healthier you.
Ecosh Iron Complex with Nettle (90 caps)
If you often feel tired and sluggish, it might be due to low iron levels in your body. This can affect your energy and overall well-being. But don't worry, there's a solution that can help you regain your vitality. Introducing the Iron Complex, enriched with Nordic nettle and an array of essential vitamins, designed to boost your blood health and combat fatigue. Experience the power of nature and support your body's iron absorption effortlessly.
Ecosh Para-Herb (120 caps)
Feeling bloated and sluggish? You might be dealing with unwanted parasites hampering your digestion and immune system. Imagine feeling energetic and healthy again with just a simple herbal remedy. Our Anti-Parasitic Herbal Detox can help naturally cleanse your body and bolster its defenses, all without any bitter taste.
Ecosh Pau D'Arco (100 caps)
Feeling under the weather or just not yourself? Seasonal changes can leave you feeling vulnerable and lacking energy. Pau D'Arco might be your answer, a natural supplement famous for enhancing and solidifying your immune defenses. Embrace a stronger, healthier you with Pau D'Arco and let go of feeling weak and worn out.
Ecosh Vitamin D3 4000-IU (90 caps)
Are you feeling run down and struggling to stay healthy during the darker months? In northern regions and areas with less sunlight, many people suffer from low vitamin D levels, affecting their immune systems, bones, and overall well-being. Instead of feeling fatigued and susceptible to illnesses, support your body with our Vitamin D3 supplement, specially formulated to boost your immune system, strengthen your bones, and improve your overall vitality during the autumn and winter months. Consult your healthcare provider to ensure this product meets your needs and start feeling like your best self, year-round.
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